Q: How can I place an order?
A: You can easily place an order through our website. Simply browse our products, add items to your cart, and proceed to checkout.
Q: Can I modify or cancel my order after it's placed?
A: Unfortunately, once an order is placed, we cannot guarantee modifications or cancellations. Please review your order carefully before confirming.
Q: What are the shipping options available?
A: We offer standard and expedited shipping options. Shipping costs and delivery times vary based on your location.
Q: How can I track my order?
A: Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. Use this number on our website to track your package.
Q: What is your return policy?
A: We have a 7-day return policy. Please visit our Returns & Exchanges page for detailed information on how to initiate a return.
Q: Are your products hypoallergenic?
A: While our products are generally well-tolerated, it's advisable to review the ingredient list and perform a patch test if you have sensitive skin.